Low Carbon Design Consultancy

With an increasing demand for new homes to have lower carbon emissions and ultimately running costs, Compass Energy Solutions have formed a low carbon design consultancy.

We are conscious of the role our company has in the design, and ultimately the construction of energy efficient and sustainable residential dwellings.

Through our knowledge and experience, we can advise on practical solutions without significant additional build costs in designing and building energy efficienct homes.

How we can help

Our assessment process involves;

  • Analysing the proposals
  • Calculating the proposed carbon emissions and running costs
  • Identifying energy efficient measures to reduce the energy requirements of the building
  • Assessing the feasibility of different renewable energy technologies for the site
  • Identifying the renewable energy technology to be used in the development.

By working alongside your design team, we will advise you of the most suitable approach to achieving your goals.

What we provide

We will provide all necessary calculations, and a written report detailing our findings and recommendations to comply with your requests.

Please contact us and we will be happy to discuss any requirements you may have with your existing, and future projects.

Site By: The Shed