SAP Calculations & Energy Ratings for New Build Properties
SAP Calculations are currently required on all "New Build Properties" to demonstrate compliance with Part L1A of the Building Regulations. This is done by using the Government’s Standard Assessment Procedure (SAP), and involves two stages.
The Latest Part L1A which came into force in April 2013, adopts a different approach to previous versions of the Regulations. Firstly, a property is required to achieve a Target Fabric Energy Efficiency Standard, or TFEE. This is the maximum space heating and cooling energy demand for a new home, and was introduced to create a “fabric first” approach to ensure dwellings are built as thermally efficient as possible. Factors that influence the FEE include;
- U-Values of exposed floors, walls, roofs, glazing and external doors
- Thermal bridging
- Thermal mass
- Air Permeability
Factors that do not influence the FEE include low and zero carbon technologies such as Heat Pumps, Biomass Boilers, Solar Thermal and Solar PV.
Once the TFEE is achieved, then the property has to comply with Design Target Emission Rate, or TER as previously. Should the Design Emission Rate, or DER not comply with the DER, then additional measures will be required such as further improvements to the fabric, or the introduction of low and zero carbon technologies.
Upon completion of the build, the previous steps must be repeated to ensure that what was proposed to be built still complies. This “As Built” calculation is required to be submitted to the relevant Building Control Authority, normally along with a copy of the On Construction Energy Performance Certificate.
How we can help
Compass Energy Solutions has the technical knowledge and experience required to advise our clients as to how to comply with the requirements of Approved Document L1A of the Building Regulations for both Design, and As Built submissions.
Should the dwelling design fail to meet the required standards, we will calculate the necessary recommendations to obtain a pass and provide all the relevant documentation for forwarding to the relevant Building Control Authority.
Please note, that if the dwelling has been completed and fails to meet Building Regulations, then it may not be possible to achieve a pass without making alterations to the existing construction.
If changes are to be made during the build process after our Design stage calculation has been completed, it is most important to inform us prior to incorporating these alterations as it may have an impact on the Carbon Emissions of the property.
We will include these changes at the "As Built" submission stage, or should the Building Control Authority require, a revised design DER checklist will be provided.
Click here to download our SAP Checklist which details the information we will require to provide our service.
What we Provide
We provide our clients with electronic or paper correspondence including;
- A letter stating a pass or fail
- Additional recomendations in plain English to achieve a pass if required
- Full Building Regulation Checklists for Design and As Built Stage submission
- U-Value calculations for submission to Building Control if required
- Comprehensive advice and support throughout the whole process
- A Predicted Energy Assessment (PEA) at Design Stage
- A Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) at As Built Stage