SAP Calculations / Energy Ratings

Compass Energy Solutions are experienced in providing both Part L1a and L1b assessments, and to see how we can assist you further, please click on the relevent links below;

"SAP" is the Government's Standard Assessment Procedure for calculating the energy rating of dwellings.

The current version, SAP 2009 is adopted by the government as part of the UK national methodology for calculation of the energy performance of buildings, and is used to demonstrate compliance with building regulations for dwellings - Part L (England and Wales), Section 6 (Scotland) and Part F (Northern Ireland).

Depending upon the type of residential project being undertaken in England & Wales, it will fall under either Part L1a or Part L1b of the current Building Regulations;

Part L1a - All new build domestic dwellings will need to be assessed under Part L1a whether it is a studio apartment or a 1500m2 executive residence.

Part L1b - This includes any extension or non thermally seperated conservatory added to an existing residential property, renovation or conversion (e.g. barn conversion / change of use from commercial to residential).

Please contact us should you require further advice or assistance on your project.

Site By: The Shed